Payments, mDLs, government IDs, and other credentials are finding their way into commercial, government, and OS wallets. What is the architecture and timeline for open wallets holding multiple credentials in the control of end-users. What vision do these wallet plans implement? How and why do Relying Parties want to start right now and is it safe to start?
Ajay Gupta – California DMV, plans for a competitive wallet app from the largest US State and 4th largest world economy.
Gail Hodges – OpenID Foundation, how can relying parties get in front of the wallet revolution? How does Open ID glue our credentials together?
Simon Hurry – VISA, What ensures that businesses trust our ID? How does the world trust our mobile document issuers at scale and fully interoperable?
Kaliya Young – @IdentityWoman In Business, how do credential types fit together? How do collaborative wallet ecosystems benefit us?
David Kelts – moderator